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McEntire Pilates

2018 Education Summit

July 13th & 14th  .  Rochester, Michigan


10:30am – 12:00pm

12:00pm – 12:45pm

1:00pm – 2:30pm

2:45pm – 4:15pm

4:30pm – 6:00pm

6:30pm – 8:30pm


Welcome Message
Intro to Presenters

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ The Neurology of the Unconscious Mind - Shawn Healey
+ Dancing with Spondylolisthesis - Vivian Costello

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ Proprioceptive Pictures with the DUET™ Roller Accessory System - Jenna Zaffino
+ Nutrition for Inflammation and Metabolism - Edward Cleland

Dance Performance:
+ Trent McEntire & Heather Vaughan Southard
+ Take Root Dance Company

Gus O’Connors for Appetizers & Fun
Main Street, Rochester

Summit Schedule of Events




10:30am -11:45am

12:00pm – 12:45pm

1:00pm – 2:30pm

2:45pm – 4:15pm

4:30pm – 6:00pm

6:30pm – 8:30pm


Welcome Activities


Summit Kick-off
Presenter Introductions

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ #JustMove: Facilitating Exploration in Movement 
presented by James Crader
+ Dancing with Spondylolisthesis presented by Vivian Costello

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ Proprioceptive Pictures with the DUET™ Roller Accessory System presented by Jenna Zaffino
+ Nutrition for Inflammation and Metabolism presented by Edward Cleland

Dance Performance:
Thayer Jonutz and Ali Woerner of the Take Root Dance Company

Trent McEntire & Heather Vaughan Southard

Gus O’Connors for Appetizers & Fun
Main Street, Rochester


10:30am – 12:00pm

12:00pm – 12:45pm

1:00pm – 2:30pm

2:45pm – 4:15pm

4:30pm – 6:00pm

6:30pm – 8:30pm


Welcome Message
Intro to Presenters

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ The Neurology of the Unconscious Mind - Shawn Healey
+ Dancing with Spondylolisthesis - Vivian Costello

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ Proprioceptive Pictures with the DUET™ Roller Accessory System - Jenna Zaffino
+ Nutrition for Inflammation and Metabolism - Edward Cleland

Dance Performance:
+ Trent McEntire & Heather Vaughan Southard
+ Take Root Dance Company

Gus O’Connors for Appetizers & Fun
Main Street, Rochester


7:00am – 7:15am  

7:15am – 8:45am

9:00am – 10:30am

10:45am – 12:00pm

12:00pm – 1:00pm

1:15pm – 2:45pm


2:45pm – 4:00pm


Grab & Go Continental Breakfast  

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ Sensory Adventure presented by Lucie Bécus and Jo Ann Graser

+ The Neurology of the Unconscious Mind  presented by Shawn Healey

Breakout Sessions (pick one)
+ Creative Challenge presented by Thayer Jonutz and Greg Patterson
+ Spinal Asymmetry, Scoliosis and Laterality presented by Dr. Suzanne Martin

Breakout Session

+ When does Pilates become Therapy? presented by Trent McEntire

Lunch in the Park
Surprise Entertainment

Breakout Session
+ Care for the Pilates Client and Educator presented by Carol Crincoli and Heather Vaughan Southard

Recognitions and Group Discussion

Summit Farewell!

  • Where is the McEntire Pilates Education Summit located?
    McEntire Pilates 637 North Main St Suite 200 Rochester, Michigan 48307 248.651.5567 ​
  • What are the dates? When do I come and go?
    The 2021 McEntire Education Summit kicks off on Friday July 9th (Doors open for registration at 10:30) and runs through Saturday July 10th at 3pm.
  • How many people will attend?
    We want to offer you a truly remarkable experience – one that is meaningful – so we limit our attendance to 70 participants. Each year we have reached our capacity.
  • What is the priority order for registrations?
    Registration availability will be issued in the following priority order: McEntire Educators Previous Attendees Early priority notification list Open to the Public
  • How much does the Summit cost? Any discounts?
    Our goal is to keep the event very affordable! Which is why the event is $195. There are no discounts offered and here is the reason – we do not make a profit on this event. We charge enough to cover our operating expenses, so that the event is affordable for all. It’s about bringing together a group of very special people to share in a meaningful experience.
  • Where can I stay?
    We are in the heart of Rochester, a beautiful and walkable town. We would recommend staying at the Royal Park Hotel (walking distance to the Summit). You can check it out here, Royal Park Hotel. Other options within driving distance: Holiday Inn Suites Crown Plaza Auburn Hills
  • Is there a nearby airport?
    You have two options, which are both 42 Miles from our studio - Bishop Flint Airport - This is a regional airport that is easier to get in and out of, however less direct flights are offered. Detroit Metro Airport - The Detroit Metro Airport is a larger airport offering more frequent flight options.
  • Will food and beverages be provided? Can I bring my own?
    We will provide water throughout the two days. Heavy appetizers and refreshments will be provided the first evening. Continental breakfast on Saturday. Lunch on Saturday. Of course, you can always bring your own if you have dietary needs or have a larger appetite. Remember to bring a water bottle that you can refill.
  • What should I bring and wear?
    Mat, walking/running shoes, clothes that feel comfortable moving in.
  • What if I need to come in late or leave early?
    If you really need to - sure, but you won’t want to miss out on any of the experiences and synergy throughout the 2 highly interactive days.
  • Have more questions?
    Send Trent McEntire an email with your question:
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